Wednesday, September 20, 2017

1 Year.

What a difference a year makes! Today we leave for Ukraine and one year ago today I wrote............................

"IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Joan is comfortably napping in her own chair, in her own flat and she is happy.
We were waiting for the doctor to arrive at 8:30 this morning when the head nurse came out with the papers signed for us to leave and 5 minutes later we were on the road home. It wouldn't be appropriate not to stop at Kandulski's after a three week absence so we did, for coffee.

Tomorrow we will slowly start to put our flat back in order, do some laundry, make an appointment for Joan with our neurologist so he can read the report from the rehab center and visit with Zbyszek for our weekly meeting. It's great to be back home and thanks to everyone for your words of support during this trying time. I read them all to Joan as you wrote them and she appreciated them all".

Thank you God.

TO KONIEC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Joan wygodnie drzemie w swoim fotelu, w swoim własnym mieszkaniu i  jest szczęśliwa.
Czekaliśmy na przyjazd lekarza o 8:30 rano, kiedy naczelna pielęgniarka wyszła z dokumentami podpisanymi ze zgodą na wyjazd i 5 minut później byliśmy w drodze do domu . To nie byłoby właściwe, aby po trzytygodniowej nieobecności nie zatrzymać się u Kandulskich na kawę, i to zrobiliśmy.

Jutro powoli zaczniemy doprowadzać nasze mieszkanie do porządku, zrobimy pranie, umówimy  Joan na wizytę z neurologiem, aby mógł zapoznać się z raportem z centrum rehabilitacji i spotkać się ze Zbyszkiem na naszym cotygodniowym spotkaniu. Wspaniale jest wrócić do domu i dzięki wszystkim za słowa wsparcia w tym czasie próby. Czytam je wszystkie  Joannie, tak jak je napisaliście, a ona je sobie wszystkie bardzo ceni.


  1. WOW! How time flies. It seems like just yesterday when we were all engrossed in Joan's rehab experiences and waiting for the day to arrive when she could finally go home. A year! Wonderful!

    Enjoy your trip to Lvov!

  2. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Best wishes to both of you. Have a safe trip. Enjoy your pics esp. those that include people. Nice. Also enjoyed the video--more would be better. I try to stay clear of political comments, but King Orange-Head is outside the bounds of acceptable behavior and comment. As I've said before a number of times, GOD HELP US!--Your ally, Anon.
