Wednesday, February 01, 2017


Ah, computers........a love/hate relationship. Love them when they work well, hate them when they don't. The last two days have been the latter. The problem started when going  from one tab to another and all |I got was the little blue circle that goes round and round. It wouldn't stop and the only way out is to shut down. Even that can't be done without removing the battery. Tried a lot of solutions but so far none have worked. I am glad I have the luxury of a second laptop. From 8:00 until 12:00 I tried and then stopped to do a little Spanish with Joan. Later we went to Kandulski's to talk with Z about everything in general and complain about our respective and mutual governments. Oh wait, that's politics! Forget it.

It's another gray, sun less day, around 5c so nothing new in the weather department. Checking the calendar today I see we will miss Easter in Spain since it is the weekend before we leave. I should have checked that out and left earlier so we could be there for Easter. The processions are amazing.

Ach, komputery ........ relacja: miłość-nienawiść. Kocham je, gdy pracują dobrze, nienawidzę ich, gdy nie działają. Ostatnie dwa dni były opóźnione. Problem zaczął się, kiedy przechodząc z jednej zakładki na drugą wszystko co otrzymałem to mały niebieski okrąg, który kręci się w kółko i nie przestaje, a jedynym wyjściem jest zamknięcie laptopa. A nawet to nie może być wykonane bez  wyjęcia baterii. Próbowałem wielu rozwiązań, ale do tej pory żadne z nich nie zadziałało. Cieszę się, że mam luksus posiadania drugiego laptopa. Od 8:00 do 12:00 próbowałem coś z tym zrobić, a następnie przerwałem, by z Joan przerobić  trochę hiszpańskiego. Później poszliśmy do Kandulskiego, by rozmawiać ze Zbyszkiem ogólnie o wszystkim oraz  ponarzekać na nasze poszczególne i wspólne rządy. Oj, czekaj, to polityka! Zapomnij o tym.

Kolejny szary dzień z niewielkim słońcem i około 5C więc nic nowego w dziale pogody. Dzisiaj sprawdzając  kalendarz widzę, że ominie nas Wielkanoc w Hiszpanii, ponieważ ona przypada na weekend przed naszym wyjazdem z Poznania. Powinienem był to sprawdzić, by  wyjechać wcześniej tak, abyśmy mogli być tam na Wielkanoc. Procesje są niesamowite.


  1. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Hi David and are not living in soviet russia feel free to express your point of view, I could well imagine what you and Z get up, no points for quessing... It must be hard for you dire hearts who can't accept the umpires decision, that democracy.. have to live with it.. Z likewise, like the rest of the PO thugs who sold out Poland cannot also adjust...on a brighter note... sometimes the computer goes all funny when you have programmes that are not compatible with your device or not up to date... stay positive and respect.

  2. Thanks for the comment but wasn't Poland sold out a long time ago when Communism fell? Has PO been in charge since then? I don't know.

  3. Anonymous9:45 PM

    We don't have to "live with it" but we have to do all we can to frustrate/oust
    emperor Cheetos before he does irreparable harm to our democracy. I'm sharing the following I got from a friend and I am in total agreement. (The other anonymous would flip out and question our patriotism, etc. if he/she were to see this.)
    Trump being Trump is pretty disgusting but he lost me when he made fun of people with illnesses, being captured in war, plus his vulgarity toward women and anyone else who disagrees with him. He is a poor excuse for a human being let alone for a President.
    He is a mean spirited bastard who has not respected the office he holds.
    As his wrong-headed plans unfold, he should have mass resignations within the year.
    That said, I do wish Obama stepped on the GOP like a bug when he had the chance.
    Obama's answer to Mitch McConnell who said "he'd make Obama a one term President" was not to invite the GOP sons of bitches to watch the Super Bowl with him but to pressure them to pass every bit of legislation he needed. (Too late now I know)
    That was Obama's biggest fault. Can't play nice with the GOP and especially not with Cheetos.
    But when history is written, Obama will be regarded as the sane one while Cheetos will be remembered as the aberration of this century if there is a century left after he goes.
    Obama could have done better and he didn't even have to act like a bi polar moron.
    All he had to do was not be so nice.
    BTW, no one can ever act like Trump. It's impossible to get so low in the gutter.
    And he can't be compared to Reagan or Nixon because both men had experience in government and knew how to play their enemies not have them play him (like Putin is).
