Saturday, February 20, 2016


Finally got that mess straightened out about paying car insurance for the wrecked car. In the end we only paid 5 zl for the period of time between the end of the policy and the date of selling the,car, about 7 days. PZU is the biggest car insurance company in Poland but they have a lot to learn about how they handle insurance claims. It took almost a month and half plus more than a few calls to them to fix the problem.

Today started out sunny but only lasted until about 13:00 before gray skies covered everything. Joan and I have a standing bet as to when the sun will disappear IF the sun comes out at all.

I found out about another agricultural garden in Poznań I did not know about and as soon as the Spring arrives we will make a trip to see it. It is closer to our house than the botanical gardens so we may even be able to walk there. It's about an hours walk from our flat. The garden was created in 1920 and with an area of 4 ha forms part of the western greenery wedge. On its grounds one can find practically all species of trees and shrubs existing in Polish forests and most important species growing abroad.  Before World War II as many as 900 species and varieties of trees could be seen here. Since the Garden was open to the public, most of the vegetation had been devastated. Only about 200 species survived.

In 1958 the Agricultural University of Poznan came into the possession of the Dendrological Garden. Thanks to their efforts, the pre-war collection of trees has been restored. Moreover, new trees and shrubs have been planted here. Nowadays, there are as many as 700 species and varieties of trees and shrubs.

The Garden is still an educational and research institution, however, in summer it is open to the public. The best time to admire the garden beauty is in the spring and early summer, when most plans are in bloom, or in autumn to see the golden Polish autumn.  

Przed II wojną światową aż 900 gatunków i odmian drzew można było zobaczyć tutaj. Ponieważ ogród był otwarty dla publiczności, większość roślinności został zdewastowany. Tylko około 200 gatunków przetrwało.

W 1958 roku wszedł w posiadanie Ogrodu Dendrologicznego Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu. Dzięki ich wysiłkom, przedwojenny zbiór drzew został przywrócony. Ponadto, nowe drzewa i krzewy zostały tu posadzone. Obecnie istnieje aż 700 gatunków i odmian drzew i krzewów.

Ogród jest nadal instytucją edukacyjną i badania, jednak w okresie letnim jest otwarty dla publiczności. Najlepszy czas, aby podziwiać piękno ogród jest wiosną i wczesnym latem, kiedy większość plany kwitną lub jesienią zobaczyć złotą polską jesień. Przyjdź i odkryj swoje skarby!

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