Wednesday, November 07, 2012


Ok, it's over. Obama won. I'm more glad that Romny lost than I am Obama won but that's always the case. There should have been three or four choices instead of the two that are only possible, Democrat or Republican. Unfortunately, it's only candidates with millions of dollars who really have any chance of winning. The "common man" has no chance. So what will be different during the next four years that will actually affect the average person? Will Obama finally keep his promise and give Poland it's rightfull Visa program. Will the budget deficit get even higher than it is now? Will the "war" in Afghanistan end? I don't have much faith in those things. With the House of Representatives still in the hands of the Rpublicans, I doubt much will change.

Ok, to już koniec. Obama wygrał. Jestem bardziej zadowolony, że Romny porażka niż jestem Obama wygrał, ale to zawsze tak jest. Powinno być trzy lub cztery wybory zamiast dwóch, które tylko możliwe, demokrata czy republikanin. Niestety, to tylko kandydaci z milionów dolarów, którzy naprawdę mają szansę na wygraną."Zwykły człowiek" nie ma szans. Więc co będzie inny w ciągu najbliższych czterech lat, które rzeczywiście wpływają na przeciętnego człowieka? Czy Obama wreszcie dotrzymać obietnicy i dać Polsce w prawowitego programu Visa. Deficyt budżetowy będzie uzyskać nawet wyższy niż jest teraz? Czy "wojna", w końcu w Afganistanie? Nie mam wiele wiary w te rzeczy. Z Izby Reprezentantów nadal w rękach Rpublicans wątpię znacznie się zmieni.

1 comment:

  1. I plant to write my Congressional representation about the Poland visa issue. If everyone who reads your blog and is American and has Congressional representatives I think we could make a big difference.

    I did write such a letter 2-3 years ago and then took the response along with me to Poland. The high school students were blown away that I had done such a thing.

    Many representatives say if they receive 10 pieces of mail it's a big issue for which to attend. Also many now have e-mail accounts set up that allow one to do this electronically so it's easy to do. Again let's start a campaign. It's not right that all the countries that border Poland as well as borders on the EU have a different, more easy process. Sometimes I think people still hear -- consciously or unconsciouly -- Archie Bunker say, "Dumb Polack" when thinking about Polish issues.
