Saturday, January 07, 2012

Saturday shopping.

The flat temperature is slowly rising. Today it's 19.5c inside but last night it was cold enough to sleep in long underwear and one of those old night caps would have been nice.  Amazing how long it takes to heat this place up to a comfortable level.

We left at 11:30AM to meet with Z and exchange stories of our travels in America and his in Bulgaria. He went there to spend the holidays with his daughter.  He brought his laptop to show us some of the pictures he took while there.  He said it was still a very depressed country with some villages completely empty although where he stayed the city was well populated and catered to English and German tourists.

Later we went to do a little food shopping for the week at our supermarket. It was packed with people, the main reason I hate to shop on Saturday but this time it was a necessity because we left no food in the house before our vacation.

On the right side of the blog is a From Poland with Love series of video's Rob Strybel, a journalist/writer, American ExPat living in Warsaw for a long time, sent that's informative about modern day Poland.

Mieszkanie temperatura powoli rośnie. Dziś jest 19.5c w środku, ale ostatniej nocy było zimno wystarczy spać w długim bieliznę i jednym z tych starych czapki nocy byłoby miło. Niesamowite, jak długo to trwa do ogrzewania tego miejsca do komfortowego poziomu.

Wyjechaliśmy o 11:30 na spotkanie z Z i wymiany historie naszych podróży po Ameryce i jego w Bułgarii. Pojechał tam, aby spędzić wakacje ze swoją córką. Przyniósł swój laptop, aby pokazać nam część zdjęć wziął natomiast nie. Powiedział, że to wciąż bardzo przygnębiony kraju z niektórych wsiach całkowicie pusta, chociaż gdzie przebywał to miasto było dobrze zaludnione i wyżywieniem dla turystów angielskim i niemieckim.

Później poszliśmy zrobić małe zakupy żywności na tydzień w naszym supermarkecie. To był pełen ludzi, główny powód nienawiści do sklepu w sobotę, ale tym razem był on koniecznością, bo zostawili żywności w domu, zanim nasze wakacje.

Po prawej stronie tego bloga jest od Polska with Love serii Strybel Rob wideo, dziennikarz / pisarz, Amerykanin mieszkający Expat w Warszawie przez długi czas wysłał to informacje o współczesnym Polska.


  1. Marilyn5:10 PM

    Hi...Glad you are home safe and sound! I'm sure it was hard to say good-bye---it's just so good that we have computers and skype. Do you have snow? I spent the past week+ in Muskegon with my Mom and they have a little snow, maybe 2in. -lake effect, driving home I ran out of it in just a few miles--we have none. It was 50 degrees here yesterday--strange, strange winter!! WELCOME HOME!

  2. Hi Marilyn,
    Yes, it was hard saying goodbye again but at least we have a committment from the parents to send the grandkids to us when they graduate high school in 3 and 5 years.
    We have no snow, only rain today.

  3. Glad your trip home was uneventful. LOT does a good job. I just wish they would fly from from different airports than Chicago and Newark!
    When I returned from Hungary I found my daughter had left a living room window open for some time. An area in front of my building was being rehabbed and trucks were hauling dirt. I found lots of notices under my door apologizing for the mess in the neighborhood. You can about imagine what my apartment looked like. Every once in awhile yet I find a place that the dust cloth has not yet reached from that episode.
