Wednesday, December 29, 2010


This morning, in Michigan, Irena Josephine Rajewska Zechlinski passed away. She was 94 years old. Our condolences to her children and grandchildren. Her father was Jozef Rajewski who died when he was 104. Her grandfather was Kazimierz Rajewski and great grandfather, Stanislaw Rajewski. It was from a letter I sent to her many years ago that I learned of all Rajewski relatives in Michigan.

Dziś rano, w Michigan, Irena Josephine Rajewska Zechlinski zmarł. Miała 94 lat. Nasze kondolencje dla jej dzieci i wnuki. Jej ojcem był Józef Rajewski, który zmarł, gdy miał 104. Jej dziadek był Kazimierz Rajewski i pradziadek, Stanisław Rajewski. To właśnie z list wysłałem do niej wiele lat temu, że nauczyłem się wszystkich krewnych Rajewski w Michigan.

1 comment:

  1. Marilyn12:26 AM

    Dear David,
    Thank you for the nice pictures and writing of my Aunt Irene. She had a long, happy life....and spent the last days with all of her children with her. She will be missed, but with many happy memories.
