Saturday, October 23, 2010


Beautiful day today so we decided to go to Rogalin to see how the palace looks now that is has been renovated.  I should have looked it up first on the internet because when we got there we found out you cannot see the main portion of the palace without a guide now and you have to call early to make an appointment.  All we could see for 7 zl each were the wings and the gallery.  It wasn't enough.  Yes, the wings are nice with the little rooms. some furniture and a gallery most of the family members starting with Zygmunt Raczyński (1592) and ending with Edward Raczyński in 1993 but not being able to see the main part of the palace was not. When Edward was 100 years old he bequeathed the palace and surrounding grounds to Poland.  He died when he was 102.   Someday we will make an appointment for a guide and go back to see it but there are other palaces we will go to first.

We walked around the property after our short visit inside because the weather was so nice, 13c and it was too early to think of going back home.  It's a nice little drive from Poznań to Rogalin down route 430 passing by Mośina, only about 20 minutes, and there is a nice stretch of trees that look good at this time of the year.  Autumn is always a beautiful time of the year whether you are in Poland or the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

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