Friday, July 16, 2010


Panorama Raclawicka

Joan and I decided to take a little trip in August from the 3rd to the 6th to Wrocław. We've passed by the city a few times but never actually stayed there long enough to explore it. One thing we definitely plan on seeing is the "Panorama".

The Racławice Panorama is a monumental (15 × 120 meter) panoramic painting depicting the Battle of Racławice, during the Kościuszko Uprising. It is currently located in Wrocław, Poland. The painting is one of only a few preserved relics of a genre of 19th century mass culture, and the oldest in Poland. The panorama stands in a circular fashion and, with the viewer in the center, presents different scenes at various viewing angles. A special kind of perspective used in the painting and additional effects (lighting, artificial terrain) create a feeling of reality.

Of course, we will see the market square and old town but still have to do some investigating about what else to see. Any readers of this blog who want to offer suggestions would be most welcomed.

Today was another hot one, 35C. Joan had an appointment to get her perscriptions filled by her doctor at 9AM and from there we went to do our weekly shopping at Real. At 1PM we went to Kandulski's for our weekly treat, this time without Zbyszek who is still at the seaside and will return tomorrow. On Monday we will finally make a trip to Golina to visit cousins and for me that is too long a time.

Joan i postanowiłem zrobić małą wycieczkę w sierpniu od 3 do 6 do Wrocławia. Mamy przeszły przez miasto kilka razy, ale nigdy nie przebywał tam wystarczająco długo, aby go zbadać. Jedna rzecz na pewno plan na widzenie jest "Panorama".

Panorama Racławicka to monumentalne (15 × 120 m) panoramiczny obraz przedstawiający bitwę pod Racławicami, w czasie insurekcji kościuszkowskiej. W tej chwili znajduje się we Wrocławiu, Polska. Obraz jest jednym z nielicznych zachowanych zabytków z gatunku kultury masowej z 19 wieku, a najstarszy w Polska. Panorama stoi okrągły moda i, z widzem w centrum miasta, przedstawia różne sceny z różnych kątów widzenia. Specjalny rodzaj perspektywy używany w malarstwie i dodatkowe efekty (oświetlenie, sztuczny teren) tworzą poczucie rzeczywistości.

Oczywiście, zobaczymy Rynku Głównego i Starego Miasta, ale jeszcze nie pewne badania, co innego zobaczyć. Wszelkie czytelników tego bloga, którzy chcą zaoferować sugestie byłyby najbardziej pożądane.

Dzisiaj był inny gorącej, 35C. Joan miała na spotkanie, aby uzyskać jej perscriptions wypełnione przez jej lekarza 9AM i stamtąd udaliśmy się do naszych cotygodniowych zakupów w Realu. Przy 1PM poszliśmy do Kandulski dla naszego tygodniowego leczenia, tym razem bez Zbyszek, który jest jeszcze nad morzem i wróci jutro. W poniedziałek będziemy wreszcie podróży do Golina by odwiedzić krewnych i dla mnie to zbyt długo.


  1. I can give you a few suggestions-

    the Cathedral Island and a boat ride which starts from there- optional short visit to Hala Targowa nearby

    the Japanese Garden

    Hala Stulecia and the new fountain with a light show in the evening (never been, heard it is good)

    the Jewish cemetary

    "White Stork" Synagogue on Włodkowica Street (Synagoga pod białym bocianem)

    if you are interested, the Zoo, but for me after so many visits it is so-so

    for future visits I can suggest Świdnica about 40 miles south of Wrocław with a UNESCO heritage church there

    and near there Zamek Książ the biggest castle in Lower Silesia the next biggest after Wawel

    I'm still thinking...

  2. Thanks Chris, I'll check them out.

  3. You forgot the gnomes :P

  4. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Have a look on some of this pages:


  5. Oh, I'm jealous. I think I will go there next summer. I wonder if I saw the castle someone mentioned from the air while flying between Krakow and Prague. Is it white and up on a hill in remote location?

  6. Did you know the panorama was moved from L'viv along with a lot of population of L'viv after WWII? My understanding these people replaced the Germans who either left or were asked to leave from Breslau, now Wroclaw. I thought going to Wroclaw would close a circle to my L'viv visit, but never anticipated I'd also close the circle of experiences with a visit to the synogogue in Budapest. I feel so lucky for all I've been able to learn and experience about Central Europe.


    That should help :)

  8. Thanks to everyone for the help on visiting Wrocław. I'm checking it all out and I'm sure our days will be filled with things and places to see now.
