Sunday, July 11, 2010


Yikes, it's 35c in Poznań today and too hot to do anything. We stayed inside all day playing board games and watching old movies. Only out to church this morning at 9AM and it was already hot at that time. It's suppose to stay like this for 3-4 days.

Yikes, to nic 35c w Poznaniu dziś i za gorąco, aby cokolwiek zrobić. Byliśmy w środku cały dzień grania i oglądania pokładzie stare filmy. Tylko się dziś rano do kościoła na 9AM i było już gorąco w tym czasie. To przypuszczać, aby zatrzymać tak przez 3-4 dni.

1 comment:

  1. I spent my last hours in Budapest riding the 4/6 tram a bit round trip just to see some sights for the last time. We saw a thermometer that said 37. Two young men close to me said it was probably wrong, but it surely felt to me like it was probably right.
