Thursday, February 18, 2010

House for sale.

Soda Bread

Something that always amazes me is the selling of houses that are totally unfinished. Here is one that is across the street from where we live. It is a two story house and, as you can see, has no windows, doors or stairs. It was started last year and now it is up for sale, just the way it is, for 580,000zl (about $225,000 USD). Can you imagine buying a house for that price, unfinished, and then having to spend another $150,000 to complete it? I can't but it is a common occurence here. So you have some idea at how expensive housing is now in Poland. The average person cannot afford to buy a home or a flat that is worth living in and it is a problem.

Joan made a new type of bread today, soda bread. It has flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and buttermilk. The size is rather small for a bread and it will be interesting to taste it tonight with dinner.

A few blogs ago I mentioned about Graham bread that we really like. Joan found this out about the bread. A 19th century American miller after whom this bread was named is scarcely remembered in his native land except for the familiar Graham crackers. In Poland, by contrast, his name lives on both in this whole wheat loaf and popular whole wheat rolls (Grahamki). Incidentally, in Polish his name is pronounced Gra-hamm, not Grey-um.

Coś, co zawsze dziwi mnie to sprzedaż domów, które są całkowicie niedokończony. Oto jedno z nich jest po drugiej stronie ulicy, gdzie żyjemy. Jest dwóch parterowy dom i, jak widać, nie ma okien, drzwi i schodów. Zapoczątkował w zeszłym roku i teraz jest na sprzedaż, tak, jak to jest, do 580.000 zł (około 225.000 dolarów USD). Czy można sobie wyobrazić kupno domu za tę cenę, niedokończony, a następnie konieczności spędzić kolejne 150.000 dolarów na wykończenie? Nie mogę, ale jest częstym zjawiskiem tutaj. Więc masz jakiś pomysł na obudowie, jak drogie jest obecnie Polska. Przeciętny człowiek nie może sobie pozwolić na zakup domu lub mieszkania, że warto żyć i to jest problem.

Joan się nowy rodzaj chleba dziś, chleb sodowy. Ma mąki, sody, proszku do pieczenia, sól i maślanka. Rozmiar jest raczej mały, chleb i to będzie interesujące spróbować wieczorem przy kolacji.

Kilka blogów temu wspominałem o chleb Graham, że chcemy. Joan się o tym o chleb. A 19th century American Miller po którym ten chleb został nazwany jest mało pamięci w rodzinnym kraju, z wyjątkiem znane krakersy Graham. W Polska, natomiast jego nazwę na życie, zarówno w tym cały bochen pszenicy i popularnych całej rolki pszenicy (Grahamki). Nawiasem mówiąc, w języku polskim jego nazwisko wymawia Gra-Hamm, a nie Grey-um.


  1. But one can't find graham crackers in Poland. If so, it would be much easier to put together a S'mores party for kids in the camps. Chocolate is way easy. Marshamallows are hard to find and no graham crackers. Now with the airlines charging for a 2nd bag to Europe that means less will be brought to Poland by volunteers, too.

  2. Charging for a 2nd bag to Poland? OH, NO. Good thing I already live here but it will make a visit to the U.S. more expensive on the return. We thought we would take 1empty suitcase and bring it back full of new clothes, like Levi's.

  3. Marek5:46 AM

    David, when I was in Poland some two years ago, my inlaws neighbour built a new house, just to a shell stage like yours and put it on the market for 580,000zl. Needless to say the house is still for sale!.
    I sometimes wonder if they thought there western neighbor would buy it to be close to family. The price of homes still amazes me!
    Love reading your daily experiences David.

    Regards Marek
