Saturday, July 18, 2009


Read today's newspaper and it seems there is a Congress Meeting of Jehovah Witnesses being held in Poznań for the next four days. 23,000 of them are here filling up hotels and restaurants. We say them everywhere tonight, they wore these little blue badges on their clothes so it was easy to spot them. Of course, they were passing out information to everyone about their beliefs. The Rynek will be packed for the next few days. That's good for business. Now I know why the busses were parked by the museum in the message below.

Przeczytanej dzisiaj gazetę i to wydaje się jest Kongres Spotykający się Jehowy Witnesses będących trzymani w Poznań na następne cztery dni. 23,000 z nich tutaj wypełniają hotele i restauracje. Mówimy ich wszędzie dzisiaj wieczorem, oni nosili te małe niebieskie odznaki na ich ubraniu tak to było łatwe by zauważyć ich. Oczywiście, oni mdleli informację do każdego o ich wiarach. Rynek będzie zapakowany na następne kilka dni. To jest dobre dla biznesu. Teraz znam dlaczego całusy były parkowane przez muzeum w wiadomości poniżej.


  1. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I am the Jehovah Witnes in Poland, Can we make contact.
    David you need a new start in your life. We all love you.

    God be with you


  2. Ingrid,
    Thank you for your interest in my life but I do not need a new start in my life. I am a Catholic, was born a Catholic, baptised as a Catholic and remain a Catholic. Poland is a nation built on Catholisism, it will not change.

  3. David,
    Think I am posting to the correct article and looking at the flowers you asked about - hydrangeas. Apologies if not.
    Their colour depends on the pH of the soil, but I am sure you can find a good Wiki or similar article. New place looking and sounding great, but take care with all the energetic stuff!

  4. Interesting post. Must have been a huge convention.
