Monday, March 09, 2009


A friend of ours sent these pictures in the slide show. The odds of seeing an albino moose are astronomical and to see this in the upper peninsula of Michigan , near Wisconsin , is even greater than astronomical. To see two of them together is nearly impossible. We wanted to share these photos with as many people as possible because you will probably never have a chance to see this rare sight again. This is a really special treat, so enjoy the shot of a lifetime.

Przyjaciel naszego wysłał te zdjęcia w pokazie ślizgawki. Nierówność widzenia, że łoś albinosa jest astronomiczne i by zobaczyć to w wyższym półwyspie Michigan , blisko Wisconsin , jest nawet większy niż astronomiczny. By zobaczyć dwa z nich razem jest prawie niemożliwy. Chcieliśmy podzielić te fotografie z tak wieloma ludźmi jak możliwy ponieważ prawdopodobnie nigdy nie będziesz mieć szansy by zobaczyć to rzadki widok znowu. To jest naprawdę specjalna przyjemność, więc cieszą się strzałem życia.


  1. Dear Sir,
    I really like your site and it is nice to know you enjoy Poland and Poznan. It is my hometown so I am more than happy to know that you feel good here. However, I have one kind request /or rather a piece of advice/: please do not use any automatic online translators to translate your English posts into Polish. Believe me that the result is hilarious and (more often than not) Polish versions of your message mean something totally different! I suggest that you have a real person translate them. They really deserve it.

    Good luck and enjoy Poland!


  2. Paulina,

    Thank you very much for your comments. I listen to all advice I can get and on the subject of the translator I undertande your point well. I have heard from others that the translations are funny and not accurate. However, I have a ways to go learning Polish and have no one who would daily translate. I realize that is a problem but I have cousins here who only read in Polish and so at least they know a little of what we are doing each day. I will make a poll if I should use the translator or not and we will see what the results are.
    Again, thanks for writing. We like Poznań.
