Thursday, October 23, 2008


The world financial crisis is having an affect on the currency exchange rate here in Poland. Strangely enough, with the U.S. have a housing and financial crisis unprecedented since the "Great Depression", the value of the dollar has risen dramatically in the last two weeks. It was 2.54 two weeks ago and today it is over 3.0. That is a huge jump in only two weeks and one Joan and I are smiling about. Of course, it has a big impact on our own SS check income so we like it. I read the financial crisis in Hungary is playing a part in the devaluation of the zloty and that Polish investors are now investing once again in American stocks. I can't say that I understand all of this but it definitely puts a smile on my face.

Światowy kryzys finansowy ma uczucie na kursie wymiany waluty tutaj w Polsce. Rzecz dziwna, ze Stanami Zjednoczonymi mają mieszkanie i kryzys finansowy bezprecedensowy od "Wielkiej Depresji", wartości dolara podniosło się dramatycznie w poprzednich dwu tygodniach. To był 2.54 dwa tygodnie temu i dzisiaj to jest ponad 3.0. To jest ogromny skok w tylko dwu tygodniach i jednej Joan i uśmiechają się dookoła. Oczywiście, to ma duży wpływ na naszym własnym SS kontroli dochodzie tak lubimy to. Czytam kryzys finansowy na Węgrzech odgrywa rolę w dewaluacji złotego i że polscy akcjonariusze teraz inwestują jeszcze raz w amerykańskich akcjach. Nie mogę powiedzieć, że rozumiem wszystko z tego ale to zdecydowanie kładzie uśmiech na mojej twarzy.


  1. Anonymous6:28 PM

    According to the financial pundits, our currency ($)is "less crappy than the rest of the world's" ;-)
    Profitez-en, as the French say...

    David, a quick question: I remember reading here that, while still in the States, you subscribed to Polish television. Can you send me any details?

  2. Beata,

    Here is the website that we subscribed to while living in the

    The price is $6.99 a month and they do have a lot of programs to view, plus news, childrens shows and entertainment. For us it was worth the price.

  3. I'm under consideration for a Fulbright appointment in Hungary for January 2010. Now the news is making me nervous that this may not happen. Well, nothing I can do about it. And Hungary has participated in the Fulbright program for 30+ years, certainly under more difficult conditions than the difficult conditions right now.

    The Polish currency exchange now is very, very different from the ugle 1.97 I got on one occasion in Torun this past summer.

    I'll be in Poland at least from June 23- August 1. Hope the exchange is a little better in 2009!
