Monday, September 08, 2008


I've mentioned before about all of the construction going on in Poland and Poznań is no different.

There is an agreement to build a large waterpark on the bank of Lake Malta. You can go there to play golf, go skiing, ride a bike, sunbathe, ride a tobogan, get your dinner, have a beer or simply go for a stroll. The lake itself is home to numerous national and international rowing competitions which are strictly for the athletes themselves but nobody gets left out from the fun to had around the lake. This new park will house a modern sports complex including a 50 metre swimming pool, a smaller pool with a diving platform, pools with artificial waves and saunas. It should be completed in 3 years.

Sheraton is building a new, 8 story, 5 star hotel near the trade center. There will be a new train station as modern as any in Europe or America. The University of Poznań medical science department will build a new hospital specializing in heart disease. The old, gray, apartment complexes are being renovated all over the city. Whether you agree of disagree with Poland joining the EU, one thing is for sure, Poland is making progress and dramatically changing. We see these changes in almost every city and village we travel too.

Wspomniałem przedtem o wszystkim z konstrukcji idącej na w Polsce i Poznań nie jest żaden różny.

Tam ma porozumienie zbudować wielki waterpark na brzegu Jeziora Malty. Możesz pójść tam by zagrać golf, pójść jadące na nartach, jeździsz rowerem, opalasz się, jeździsz toboganem, dostajesz twój obiad, masz piwo albo po prostu idziesz po przechadzkę. Jezioro sam jest do domu do licznych narodowych i międzynarodowych wiosłujących konkurencji, które są dokładnie dla atletów sam ale nikt nie wychodzi opuszczał od zabawy do mianego dookoła jeziora. Ten nowy park ulokuje nowoczesny bawi się złożony włączając 50 basenu metra , mniejszy basen z trampolina do skoków do wody, baseny ze sztucznymi falami i saunami. To powinno być uzupełnione w 3 latach.

Sheraton buduje nowy, 8 historii, 5 gwiezdnego hotelu blisko handlowego środka. Będzie nowy dworzec kolejowy tak nowoczesny jak jakikolwiek w Europie albo Ameryce. Uniwersytet Poznań medyczny dział nauki zbuduje nowy szpital specjalizujący się w chorobie serca. Stare, szarość, kompleksy apartamentu są odnowione po mieście. Czy zgadzasz się z jesteś innym z Polską dołączającą do UE, jedna rzecz jest na pewno, Polska robi postęp i dramatycznie zmieniające się. Widzimy te zmiany w prawie każdym mieście i wsi podróżujemy również.


  1. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Hi again....
    I guess it amazes me that not many relatives are responding to your survey....maybe, most just like to read and not respond!!! I know some do not read the blog every day ..maybe once a week or so. That could be it. I truly look forward to it each day..unless I am
    gone and then I can't wait to catch
    up on your writing. Hugs....

  2. Hi Marilyn,
    It's not so amazing for me. I keep statistics on the blog. I average about 54 readers a day and I think about 80% of readers are not related.

  3. Dear David!

    Please do not rely on automatic translation from English to Polish, unless you're aiming for a comical effect. The produced text can be hardly understood. Example:

    "Whether you agree of disagree with Poland joining the EU [...]"

    translated as

    "Do you agree with are you different with Poland joining EU"

    Not all sentences are that bad, but majority are close.

  4. Dear "Grumpy",

    I completely agree that the translation is funny and can't be relied on to be very accurate but it does get the point across. Do you know a program that it better?
