Monday, September 15, 2008


Chilly outside, 54 degrees, cloudy, people are wearing coats and scarves. We had nothing to do today. Spent three hours on vocabulary, I went to the post to mail a birthday card. Cost $1.80USD. Tomorrow I go to a dermatologist on Lutycka street. The first time so it will take a while to find the place. Cousin Oliwia sent these pictures yesterday of her new life in England where she will study for the next two years.

Chłodna na zewnątrz, 54 stopnie, pochmurne, ludzie noszą płaszcze i szale. Nie mieliśmy niczego by czynić dzisiaj. Wyczerpany trzy godziny na słownictwie, poszedłem do poczty by wysłać kartę urodzin. Kosztowany $1.80USD. Jutro idę do dermatologa na Lutycka ulicy. Pierwszy czas tak to weźmie chwilę by znaleźć miejsce. Kuzyna Oliwia wysłał te zdjęcia wczoraj jej nowego życia w Anglii gdzie ona będzie studiować na następne dwa lata.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Br-r-r-r autumn is in the air in Poland! So refreshing though. It was a little cooler here today, although warmer that expected..."prediction" was 64 is now 70 degrees at 3:45 p.m.----the weatherman changes his prediction every few hours....I think he sticks his head out the door and comes back in and gives the weather. It's kind of weather! A cool evening is "predicted". I'll have to wear a jacket to Blake's soccer game.
