Thursday, May 08, 2008

Visiting Nurse

Jadwiga Szydłowska, our assigned nurse, arrived at 11:30 with the contracts Joan and I had to sign. Don't ask me what they said because I don't know. I think I understood the main points of her conversation as she filled out the forms and had us sign them. Or..........maybe Joan and I just joined the Polish Army?:-) Who knows?

I did the weekly food shopping and had the car hand washed while I shopped. Cost 25zl($11.25USD) I parked it under a flowering tree the other day and the residue from the flowers was sticking all over the car so it was time to wash it off. Prices range from 7 to 12USD for a handwash of the outside of the car. There are few do-it-yourself car washes in Poznań.

The weather has been great and is suppose to stay like this until Monday. We're hoping to make a trip to Sompolno Saturday to look at another house. I'm waiting for the real estate company to reply to my message. I've been waiting for 3 days. They are not exactly quick in response. I wonder how they stay in business with so much competition and so little effort put out by them. I'm assuming all they will do is give us the address of the house and directions to get there, just like the last time when we saw the house in Grodzieć. Customer service is still an unknown word in Poland.

Jadwiga Szydłowska, nasza wyznaczona pielęgniarka, przybyła o 11:30 z Joan kontraktów i musiałem podpisać się. Nie pytaj mnie co oni powiedzieli ponieważ nie wiem. Myślę, że zrozumiałem główne punkty jej rozmowy jak ona wypełniła formy i kazała nam podpisać ich. Or..........maybe Joan i ja właśnie dołączyłem do WP?:-) Kto wie?

Robiłem zakupy tygodniową żywność i kazałem rękę samochodu umytą podczas gdy robiłem zakupy. Kosztowany 25zl($11.25USD) zaparkowałem to pod zakwitającym drzewem innego dnia i pozostałość od kwiatów tkwiła po samochodzie tak to był czas by zmywać to. Ceny sięgają od 7 do 12USD dla mycia ręki na zewnątrz samochodu. Są mało myjni samochodowych majsterkowania w Poznań.

Pogoda była wielka i jest przypuszczają pozostać w ten sposób aż do poniedziałku. Spodziewamy się zrobić podróż do Sompolno soboty by popatrzeć na inny dom. Czekam na spółkę nieruchomości, żeby odpowiedziała do mojej wiadomości. Czekam na 3 dni. Oni nie są dokładnie szybcy w odpowiedzi. Zdumiewam się jak oni pozostają w biznesie z tyloma konkurencją i tak mało wysiłku zwichnięty przez nich. Przyjmuję wszystko oni zrobią są dają nam adres domu i instrukcji by dostać się tam, właśnie jak ostatnim razem kiedy zobaczymy dom w Grodzieć. Obsługa klientów jest cicha nieznane słowo w Polsce.


  1. Anonymous11:27 PM


    I know what you mean by customer service there, it is downright horrible. They just don't get it and must be losing untold millions in sales, etc. due to the lack of any real semblance of customer service. It amazed me while we were there just how bad it was and the Poles themselves even complain about it.

  2. John, his wife Agnieszka and son Tristan recently moved back to the U.S. They were in Poznań for a year and we had the pleasure of meeting with them several times. Similar to me, they wrote a blog of their activities in Poland and continue it now in the new home in Kentucky.

  3. A whole culture can't change its world view over night. I found recently in reading about another Central European country that people entering a shop are not regarded as guests or customers. From the U.S. we simply expect this. Neither way of doing things is right or wrong/ we're just different.

    And after traveling to the Ukraine, I found Poland light years different. In the Ukraine I needed to buy batteries. I walked through a kiosk area that had batteries and found only the food places only. I wandered down the street and had a lovely pastry and coffee and came back about an hour later. At this time, a bit after 10 AM, a young man was standing in the kiosk area. I politely asked for batteries, and he insisted, in English by the way, "Not open until 11:00." So I guess he was just going to stand there for an hour before he would sell anything. I came back after 11:00 and got the batteries.

    The rule I carry in my head is: "If I want everything to be like it is a home, I should stay home."
