Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Zybyszek came by today and I went with him to the nearby clinic to see what we had to do next to register there in case we need to see a doctor. Two more forms to fill out and then we'll be "assigned" a general practioner. The good news is they have a young doctor added to their staff and she may speak some English. It's always nice to know what the doctor is saying when you visit:-)

Joan and I went for a walk, longer than yesterday and her ankle felt good when we were done, just a little sore. Her foot still swells up a little during the day and at night. We're not sure why.

Zybyszek przeszedł obok dzisiaj i poszedłem z nim do pobliskiej kliniki by zobaczyć co musieliśmy czynić obok rejestru tam w przypadku potrzebujemy odwiedzić doktora. Dwa więcej form by wypełnić się i wtedy będziemy "wyznaczeni" ogólny doktor. Dobra wiadomość jest oni każą młodego doktora dodanego do ich personelu i ona może mówić kilka po angielsku. To jest zawsze miłe by znać co doktor mówi kiedy bywasz:-)

Joan i ja poszedłem na spacer, dłużej niż wczoraj i jej kostka poczuła się dobra kiedy byliśmy zrobieni, właśnie trochę owrzodzenia. Jej stopa jeszcze puchnie trochę podczas dnia i wieczorem. Nie jesteśmy pewny dlaczego.


  1. Ah, the swelling comes from the fact that the capillary system got used to the support of the cast and brace, and that system got lazy. It's the same deal as how we get acclimated every year to winter weather, the capillary system learns to adapt to that, too. That's why in May I can wear sandals and short pants in Poland when Americans from warmer climates think it's too cool!

    Soon the capillary system will figure out it has to go back to independent work. This always happens after a cast is removed, and one's foot is more subject too to the force of gravity. It will get better with time -- spoken from my knowledge as a nurse and from the experience once of breaking both bones in my left leg and being in a cast for 3 months, only half as long as originally promised when I did this -- an no, I wasn't skiing!

    Moderate excercise is good for the fracture. There is research that says fractures heal faster with moderate exercise. Good luck.

  2. Thanks for that comment Lori. I was a little concerned. Joan uses one crutch for support. How long before she can go without it?

  3. Re: weight bearing in total. You will have to consult with your health care providers for I can't read x-rays from this far away to know how the health process has progressed.
