Monday, February 04, 2008


I think I am somewhat back from the dead tonight. I took Joan with me to the doctors office, I didn’t feel strong enough to go on my own. We got there at 1PM, had to wait 45 minutes to get into the office and then tried to describe my condition t o a woman who spoke NO English. Eventually she called a colleague, English speaking, and we were able to relay by condition to her. She said I had a bad cold with upper respiratory inflammation but no bronchitis or breathing ailments. She prescribed a 3 day anti-biotic, nose medicine, anti-inflammatory medicine and cough medicine. She said if it doesn’t clear up in a week to come back. Of course, at this rate, in a week I’ll be dead and can’t return :+) But I already think I am getting better and if this coughing will just stop, in a few days I’ll be fine.

Joan is making her world famous zucchini casserole tonight so I thought I better include a picture.
Thanks for all the well wishes, emails and e-cards. I’ll try not to get sick ever again..

Myślę, że jestem nieco w tył od całkowicie dzisiaj wieczorem. Wziąłem Joan ze mną do biura doktorów , nie poczułem dość, że silny poszedł na moim własnym. Dostaliśmy się tam przy 1PM, musieliśmy czekać 45 minut by dostać się do biura i wtedy spróbowaliśmy opisać mój warunku t och kobieto, która nie mówiła ŻADNYCH po angielsku. Ostatecznie ona zawołała kolegę, angielskie mówienie, i mogliśmy przekazywać przez warunek do niej. Ona powiedziała, że mam silne przeziębienie z wyższym oddechowym zapalaniem ale żadne zapalenie oskrzeli albo oddychające dolegliwości. Ona przepisała 3 antybiotyk dnia , medycynę nosa , medycynę przeciwzapalnej i lekarstwo na kaszel. Ona powiedziała jeżeli to nie sprząta za tydzień by wrócić. Oczywiście, w tym tempie za tydzień będę martwy i nie mogę wrócić :+) Ale już myślę, że dostaję się lepiej i jeżeli to kaszleć właśnie zatrzyma się, w kilku dniach będę czuć się świetnie.

Joan robi jej światowy sławny garnek cukini dzisiaj wieczorem tak pomyślałem lepiej włączam obraz.
Dzięki dla wszystkich dobrze życzeń, email i e karty. Będę próbować nie by stawać się chory kiedykolwiek znowu..


  1. Well, I must certainly pay more attention to the produce counters when I come to Poland. I had no idea one could buy zucchini in the winter months. And it's time to see what's available in the grocery store beyond chocolate, cookies, and cow candy.

    And have you discovered cow candy? It will probably be the first purchase I make when I get back to Poland.

    Hope you continue to feel better.

  2. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Those candies are called Krowki in Polish and are the best ever.
    You can never eat just one.

    I am glad that you are feeling better and I have old fashioned remeady for bad cold like yours. Ask you cousin in Golina and friend Zbyszek in Poznan maybe one of them knows somebody to "postawic banki". Person has be skilled in doing that and it really helps. Banki are small glass balloons that get the air removed by heating them with swab moisten in alcohol and set a flame, than you place those on your back and let them cool naturally. You have to be covered with comforter and stay warm after. You back will look very bad with purple black circles on it, but it does really worka nd relives congestion in your lungs.
    For now you do not needed but maybe some day you will, is good to know who can do it.

    Best wishes of quick return to good health and thank God for Joan who is your guardian angel.

    All the best
