Friday, July 13, 2007

HP Stays!

After working with the new Vista operating system, and buying a "Windows Vista for Dummies" book, I figured out how to do the things I need on this new machine and will keep it. I probably could have gotten by with the 15" screen but the 17" is easier to read.

We're studying Polish many more hours each day now that we are retired. For the last year I've been using an Internet service,, that gives me access to Polish programs like news, music, soap opera's, talk shows and history. Some have English subtitles and I've been able to use them for listening to and learning the language. The cost is only $7 a month and it has been well worth the price. I just stopped the service for the end of July because I think we will be too busy in Poland to view it. Of course, all of those shows will be on our TV in Poland :-)

Our last 3 weekends are booked with farewells, two more "Retirement Parties" from our friends and cleaning out our apartment.

Yesterday we went to Indiana to get the long copy of my birth certificate, stopped at the cemetary where most of the relatives are, visited with an old friend, and got our last pizza from John's Pizzeria. They have a carry out service in Muenster, Indiana.

Time is passing quickly now, only 20 days to go.

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